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The 4 Part Conversion Flywheel

The Conversion Flywheel

There is a simple framework that transforms the effectiveness of your landing pages.

It’ll help improve your conversion rate by improving:

  • How you communicate your value proposition
  • How you communicate the process behind the value proposition
  • How you bring it to life visually

It’s called the Four Cs.

1. Clarity - Communicate one idea and one idea only.

2. Context - Communicate exactly how you create the value you promise.

3. Creative - Bring your words to life by helping the customer visualize the value.

4. Call To Action - Remind them of the value on the backend of action.

Here’s a phenomenal example by HotJar:

Here’s how it nails the Four Cs:

1. It communicates exactly what the product does = Clarity

2. It communicates how the product does this through visual insights = Context

3. It shares a product video to show you how it works = Creative

4. It tells you to get started for free = Call To Action

And then they stamp it with layers of social proof.

I call this the recipe for a “conversion flywheel.”

Where every aspect of your landing page works cohesively to inch the customer closer to making a confident decision.

So, when you create your landing pages, answer these four questions:

1. What’s the one idea or benefit I want to communicate?

2. What context supports how this value or benefit is created?

3. What creative can bring these words to life?

4. How can I stamp the value on the backend of taking action? Then take this and cement it with social proof.

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Alex Garcia
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